Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of asciminib versus other treatments in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Atallah E, Mauro MJ, Hochhaus A, Boquimpani C, Minami Y, Maheshwari VK, Saini L, Corbin R, Réa D.
SWG Educational Activities
Recruitment trialsRecruitment is underway for the following trials:
Trial on precision hematology: Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and Next Generation Functional Drug Screening for Patients With Aggressive Haematological Malignancies (EXALT-2); ClinicalTrials.
EHA undersigns Manifesto on Treatment Optimization
EHA has given its formal endorsement to the “Manifesto for a new approach for better medicine in Europe: Establishing Treatment Optimization as part of personalized medicine development”.
Read moreHighlights from the SWG
SWG Committee meetingsIn 2023, the SWG Committee held meetings on:
February 21, 2023—online
April 6, 2023—in The Hague
June 8, 2023—at the EHA Congress 2023 in Frankfurt
In addition, an SWG Chairs and Committee Meeting was held on September 29, 2023, in The Hague.…
Mentoring peer-peer networks – a recipe for success
Isabel Peset1 & Alba Maiques-Diaz2
1 Senior Scientist, Microscopy, Medicines Discovery Catapult, Manchester, UK;
2 Postdoctoral scientist, Biomedical Epigenomics group, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain; YoungEHA committee member.
EHA ‘Excellence in Hematology’ Survey now online
Excellence in Hematology is created together. Would you help us out?
This week, we’re starting an important research endeavor – our ‘Excellence in hematology’ survey.
Challenges and opportunities in the diagnostics and management of onco-hematological patients under the microscope during tutorial in Russia
Onco-hematology was the focus of the two-day EHA Hematology Tutorial in Moscow, Russia, the third joint tutorial organized by EHA, the National Hematological Society (NHS) and the Russian-Oncohematology Society (ROHS).
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