
I4MDS consortium: advancing MDS treatment and understanding

The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) is firmly established. However, routine immune monitoring for these patients is still not a common practice.

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Develop yourself

Develop the expertise you need for a successful career in hematology and hematology research! Pick up a new skill or refine an existing skill.

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Faculty information

We are honored that you have agreed to be part of the faculty for the EHA-HKSH Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies, to be held on April 5-6, 2025 in Hong Kong.

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In Memoriam Anneke Brand

Picture: Ineke Oostveen


On Sunday, November 21, 2021, Anneke Brand, MD, PhD, emeritus professor at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), passed away suddenly. The European Hematology Association community is deeply saddened by Anneke’s passing.

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Press release: Theme of the Year and Patient Advocacy - 18th Congress of EHA - European Hematology Association

This year for the first time, the EHA congress program is complemented by a dedicated advocacy track. This track combines all patient and policy related sessions into one comprehensive full-day program on Saturday.

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