
I would like to be an EHA Member

Our members come from all corners of the world – from a University Hospitals in India to research companies in Germany.

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EHA Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Course programme

April 10, 202414:00–17:30: Red Cell and ConsultativeWelcome and presentation of the course.  Aims, expectations, and a brief look back. Presenters and topics
M. de Montalembert: Difficult management problems in sickle cell disease
M. D.

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EHA Research Mobility Grants

The call for applications is now open

EHA strives to develop the career of young scientists by supporting mobility and facilitating a visit to a research group in another institute.

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Faculty Information

We are honored that you have agreed to be part of the faculty for the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, to be held on March 1-3, 2024 in Hyderabad, India.

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Faculty Information

We are honored that you have agreed to be part of the faculty for the EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting, to be held on September 25-27, 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark

On this page, you will find the important deadlines as well as…

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Education Committee

Current committee members
Konstanze Döhner, Germany (Chair)
Kirsten Grønbæk, Denmark (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (Councilor)
Antonio Almeida, Portugal (EHA President)
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (YoungEHA representative)
Gianluca Gaidano, Italy (Chair Community and Stakeholder Committee)
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Chair Curriculum-Exam Committee)
Anna Porwit, Sweden (EHA…

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