
Genetic Predisposition to Blood Cancer (Rare diseases)

The objectives of the group are:

Share and extend clinical knowledge on the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic malignancies with germline predisposition.

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EHA congratulates the Spanish Society of Hematology on its 60th anniversary

EHA President, John Gribben and member of the SEHH, María Victoria Mateos

On Thursday, June 20 the Spanish Society of Hematology (SEHH) officially celebrated its 60th anniversary with a commemorative event in Madrid.

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Honorary Awards

EHA honors leaders in hematological research through the José Carreras Award (since 1999) and outstanding physicians and scientists by means of the Jean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award (since 2008).

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European Hematology Exam

The 3rd European Hematology Exam will take place during the 24th EHA Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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