
Social Media Learning

EHA presents our own microlearning in 4 formats, covering diagnosis, pathology, clinical schemas, and clinical cases within topics in the European Hematology Curriculum.

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Chairs and Members

ChairJane Apperley

Co-chairAndreas Hochhaus

Executive Board members (2021–2027 term)
Prof Nicholas CP Cross, University of Southampton (UK)
Prof Oliver Hantschel, University of Marburg (Germany)
Dr Delphine Rea, University of Paris (France)
Dr Katerina Machova Polakova, Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague; Charles University (Czech Republic)

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Machado HE, Mitchell E, Øbro NF, Kübler K, Davies M, Leongamornlert D, Cull A, Maura F, Sanders MA, Cagan ATJ, McDonald C, Belmonte M, Shepherd MS, Vieira Braga FA, Osborne RJ, Mahbubani K, Martincorena I, Laurenti E, Green AR, Getz…

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Chairs and Members

Chair and affiliation:
Willem E.

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Genetic Predisposition to Blood Cancer (Rare diseases)

The objectives of the group are:

Share and extend clinical knowledge on the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic malignancies with germline predisposition.

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Bleeding and Thrombosis

The objectives of the SWG on ‘Bleeding and Thrombosis’ are:

To promote education in the field of blood coagulation, including mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of bleeding and thrombotic disorders.

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Chairs and Members

Claire Harrison, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s Hospital, London (United Kingdom)
Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Hôpital Saint-Louis and Paris Diderot University, Paris (France)
SWG Steering Committee members
Alessandro Vannucchi, University of Florence (Italy)
Antonio Almeida, Hospital da Luz (Portugal)
Carlos Besses, Barcelona Biomedical Research…

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Promising results in trials with non-chemotherapy treatments for Leukemias to be presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Association in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

What is new? Current investigations are aimed at evaluating the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAB). These mABs bind to specific molecules (antigens) found on leukemic cells. This results in immune destruction of the leukemic cells.

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FP9 recommendations BioMed Alliance

With preparations under way for the EU’s next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9), the BioMed Alliance has called for more robust EU support for health research.

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