
EHA-IRSTH-IPHOS-SHRC Hematology Tutorial



In 2020 EHA will co-organize the 2nd Hematology Tutorial in Iran.

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SWG Committee

Current committee members
Konstanze Döhner, Germany (Chair (EHA Board member))
Dominique Bonnet, France (Vice-Chair)
Immacolata Andolfo, Italy
Igor Aurer, Croatia
Raul Cordoba, Spain
Hermann Einsele, Germany
Eleni Gavriilaki, Greece (Representative, Young EHA Committee)
Kirsten Gronbaek, Denmark (EHA Board)
Esther Oliva, Italy
Marc Raaijmakers, The Netherlands
Josef Vormoor, The Netherlands
The SWG Committee…

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Highlights from the SWG

Impactful activitiesGuideline development projectThe most relevant and impactful activities of the SWG include those related to the guideline development project. There were regular meetings with the Guidelines Expert Panel Committee.

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EHA-Balkan Hematology Day 2024

EHA is joining forces with the national societies from the Balkan countries and co-organizing with them the 5th edition of the EHA-Balkan Hematology Day.

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EuroBloodNet aims for better care for patients with rare blood disorders

ERNs is an initiative of the European Commission and consist of networks of healthcare providers and centers of excellence in Europe aimed at improving quality, safety, and access to highly specialised healthcare.

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Hematology Jobs

In this section of the EHA website, job opportunities within the field of hematology are posted, when available. Regulations

Service meant for hematologists and related disciplines.

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EHA-AAH Balkan Mini Hematology Tutorial 2021

EHA is joining forces with the Albanian Association of Hematology (AAH) to organize the EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Mini Tutorial.

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