
1st European EHA Sickle Cell Conference

EHA is teaming up with the Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, 2020 and the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to co-organize this first European Sickle Cell Conference; and also as a result of COVID-19 offer it as…

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YoungEHA Mentorship Mixer at EHA2024

Hosted by the YoungEHA Committee, the Mentorship Mixer is a pilot event for a potential EHA mentorship program.

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Evidence and policy to ensure good clinical practice

Interview with Vinay Prasad MD MPH by Heiko Becker MD, on behalf of YoungEHA

Leaders in the field that have the potential to make a difference, that challenge the way we are doing things, who push our perspective out of our…

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European Board for Accreditation in Hematology

Current committee members
Harry Schouten, The Netherlands (Chair)
Anna Porwit, Sweden (Vice-Chair)
Gunnar Birgegård, Sweden, General skills and ethics
Peter van den Burg, The Netherlands, Transfusion Medicine (ISBT)
Eleni Gavriilaki, Greece (Representative clinical hematology)
Michelle Kenyon, United Kingdom, Specialized Hematology Professional (EBMT Nurses Group)
Fionnuala Ní Áinle,…

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