
VIRTUAL: EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial

June 25&26, 2021

Meeting Chairs:

Prof S Eichinger (European Hematology Association)
Prof H Özsan (Turkish Society of Hematology)
In close collaboration with the Turkish Society of Hematology, EHA has annually organized  live, joint tutorials (nine in the series), which are organized as part of…

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EHA policy on double awarding

EHA is guided by the concept of supporting as many young investigators/clinicians as possible in their career development. Therefore, double awarding is not allowed. Winning an award excludes the award winner from winning another award while receiving the first.

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EHA-BSH joint membership

Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the British Society of Haematology. We've joined forces with the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to offer a special joint membership deal.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Nominate yourself

You can nominate yourself for an EHA Board role as long as you have:

Any type of EHA membership apart from healthcare-affiliated membership
Paid your annual membership fees
If you're unsure how to pay your annual membership fees, visit our renew your membership…

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EHA Congratulates the 2021 Bilateral Collaborative Grant Winners

The Hague, April 25, 2022 –EHA congratulates four talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of the inaugural EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.

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