
EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grant

The call for applications will close on October 15, 2024, at 15:00 (CEST).

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Cancer Medicines Forum workshop April 5: a way forward for treatment optimization

The Cancer Medicines Forum (CMF) is hosted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in collaboration with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

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Dr A van Hylckama Vlieg Announced Winner of the first EHA-ISTH Joint Fellowship

The award of EUR 72,000 over two years is intended to support the study of the physiology of bleeding, coagulation or thrombosis. Dr.

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EHA attends the EuNet-INNOCHRON Final Conference

The EuNet-INNOCHRON Final Conference, a significant event in the field of hematology, took place in Chania, Crete, Greece from April 4-6, 2024.

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Young EHA Committee

Current committee members
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (Chair)
Alba Maiques Diaz, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Elizabeth Macintyre, France (EHA Past President)
Regular members
Anna Avagyan, Armenia 
Côme Bommier, France
Lorenzo Brunetti, Italy
Ana Filipa Marques Saraiva, Portugal
Eleni Gavriilaki, Greece
Ruxandra Irimia, Romania
Rafal Machowicz, Poland
Pedro Moura, Sweden
Rhiannon Newman, Finland
Marlies Vanden Bempt, Belgium

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EHA-Balkan Hematology Day 2023

EHA is joining forces with the national societies from the Balkan countries and co-organizing with them the 4th edition of the EHA-Balkan Hematology Day.

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EHA Research Mobility Grants

The call for applications is now open

EHA strives to develop the career of young scientists by supporting mobility and facilitating a visit to a research group in another institute.

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