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COVID-19 & Hematology Information Center

Standing by hematology professionals in the COVID-19 crisis

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The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Myeloid and Histiocytic/Dendritic Neoplasms.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Acquired Aplastic Anemia

EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Granulocyte and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes are happy to announce their recent collaboration in organizing a virtual meeting program on Acquired Aplastic Anemia.

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The Clot Thickens

Haemophilia B is a genetic bleeding disorder, affecting approximately 80,000 males worldwide1, caused by an insufficient or dyfunctional blood clotting protein called factor IX (FIX).

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Life in hematology is exciting and poses many challenges, rewards and surprises. Follow our blog and be entertained, informed and inspired!

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