
Bleeding and Thrombosis

The objectives of the SWG on ‘Bleeding and Thrombosis’ are:

To promote education in the field of blood coagulation, including mechanisms, prevention, and treatment of bleeding and thrombotic disorders.

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EHA Mentorship Program eligibility

Before applying for the EHA Mentorship Program, please consider the eligibility criteria on this page. You should also read our policy on life events.

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Addressing immunoglobulin shortages: EHA and EBA’s strategic recommendations at the EMA

In recent years, shortages of immunoglobulins (Ig) have become a growing concern in the European Union (EU). Since 2018, the European Medicines Agency (EMA)—the EU agency that evaluates and supervises medicines—has received an increasing number of shortage reports.

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Registration & Accommodation

Registration is now closed. Registration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities during breaks and welcome reception
Catering during meeting hours incl.

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Red Cells and Iron

This SWG covers the clinical areas of inherited and acquired disorders of the erythrocyte and iron metabolism.

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What an EHA Innovation Grant supports

Our EHA Innovation Grant supports high-quality clinical or translational research in hematology. To reflect the collaborative spirit of the grant, no more than 40% of the total grant should be allocated to one member of the consortium.

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