Lymphoma, multiple myeloma and marrow failure syndromes better understood during Sri Lanka tutorial
Hematologists from Sri Lanka and surrounding countries learned how to best care for patients with lymphoma, multiple myeloma and bone marrow failure syndromes and stem cell transplantation during the joint Tutorial organized by EHA with the Sri Lanka College of…
Read moreYoung researchers to benefit from EHA training and mentoring
Participation in EHA-CRTH will allow these researchers to fine-tune the skills and knowledge required to successfully design, run and complete clinical trials.
Read moreA European Reference Network for Rare Hematological Diseases
You may have heard of European Reference Networks (ERNs). But most likely you have not. ERNs are networks of specialized hospital departments and research centers to treat rare or low-prevalent complex diseases.
Read moreTargeting the B-cell Receptor in Aggressive B-cell Lymphomas
In collaboration with Dr. Lou Staudt, Pharmacyclics and associate investigators, we performed a clinical trial of a very potent inhibitor of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) called ibrutinib.
Read moreProposal for an EU Regulation on Clinical Trials: A joint statement from non-commercial and commercial organisations
This statement outlines the areas of agreement within the health and research communities on where the Regulation will improve the research environment. Aspects of the Regulation that could be improved to further support clinical research are also highlighted.
Read moreHow malignant cells in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia escape T cell recognition and attack
T cell activation is essential for immunity including the recognition and killing of abnormal target cells such as cancerous cells.
Read morePress Release: Better funding for research into blood diseases will save more lives
“Haematology is probably the area of medicine that has progressed the most in recent years”, said Professor Robin Foà of “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
Read moreFor mentors of applicants
As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:
Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.