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Standards for functional precision medicine project update, December 2023

A project update from Prof Philipp Staber. We're confident that we'll successfully finish our SWG-initiated small research project, ‘standards for functional precision medicine (StFPM),’ within the next six months.

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Promising results in trials with non-chemotherapy treatments for Leukemias to be presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Association in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

What is new? Current investigations are aimed at evaluating the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAB). These mABs bind to specific molecules (antigens) found on leukemic cells. This results in immune destruction of the leukemic cells.

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Blood Disorders: European Hematologists gather in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

About the EHA Annual Congress

Hematology is a specialty that covers everything to do with blood: its origin in the bone marrow, diseases of blood and their treatments.

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