
In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Michel Symann

Dear Colleagues,

My dear friend Professor Emeritus Michel Symann passed away on April 23, 2023 at the age of 81.

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EHA collaborates with THD to provide critical aid to hematologists

The Hague (Netherlands), June 23, 2023. The European Hematology Association (EHA) is proud to announce its partnership with the Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) in a joint effort to support hematologists working in earthquake-affected areas in Türkiye and Syria.

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EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Hematological Disorders

Dates: February 28-29, 2020
Location: Chandigarh, India
Chairs: N Varma, P Malhotra, J Gribben

Organized by: European Hematology Association (EHA) & Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT)

EHA will join ISHBT for a fourth time to organize the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, this time in Chandigargh,…

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Emeritus membership

If you're a scientific researcher, physician, or healthcare-affiliated professional who's now retired or is close to retirement, you can join EHA at a reduced rate.

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