
Two genes cooperate to trigger leukemia development

Congratulations to the international group of researchers led by HemaSphere Editor-in-Chief Prof.

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Position of EHA on Access to Medicines


There are many factors that compromise patient access to medicine. First and foremost, for a drug to be available, one has to be developed.

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EHA response to the EU’s Pharma Revision

Last week, the European Affairs team finalised EHA's response to the proposed revision of the EU (European Union) Pharmaceutical Legislation. In April 2023, the European Commission published a proposed Directive and Regulation to replace the current, outdated legal framework.

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Genetic Predisposition to Blood Cancer (Rare diseases)

The objectives of the group are:

Share and extend clinical knowledge on the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic malignancies with germline predisposition.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on From aging hematopoietic stem cells to age-related diseases: opportunities for intervention Page

Dates: November 13-15, 2025
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Chairs: M Essers, E Laurenti, S Valetta, K Kirschner
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Stem Cells and SWG on Aging

Registration will be open soon

Join leading experts in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology and aging, and…

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Press Release "Crucial Directives must be revised to protect patients' interests and improve access to treatment"

This was a key message of a two-day conference, “Haematology and the next European decade”, hosted by the European Parliament and attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patients’ organisations and Commission officials.

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Press Release: “Building the knowledge economy in the world of blood diseases: patients, professionals and Parliamentarians help make the new Europe.”

Brussels, 29th August 2011

On the 30th & 31st of August a conference will be hosted in the European Parliament that will demonstrate the leading role haematology will have in securing the future knowledge economy envisaged in the Europe 2020 Strategy.…

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Meet Robert Hills, our August volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I’m a relatively recent volunteer for EHA, as I only started working with them on their Clinical Research Training in Hematology (CRTH) program in 2016.

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