
Meet Robert Hills, our August volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I’m a relatively recent volunteer for EHA, as I only started working with them on their Clinical Research Training in Hematology (CRTH) program in 2016.

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Meet Robert Hills, our August volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I’m a relatively recent volunteer for EHA, as I only started working with them on their Clinical Research Training in Hematology (CRTH) program in 2016.

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Reducing bureaucracy in clinical trials: now is the time!

Medical societies and patient advocates across disciplines have joined forces with EHA to call for urgent action to make clinical trials less bureaucratic and more patient-centered, efficient and cheaper.

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Meet our first Physician Scientist Research Grant winner

In 2018 the Physician Scientist Research Grant was awarded for the first time.

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PRESS RELEASE: The future of research in hematology is here

“For the first time, hematologists in Europe came together to develop a roadmap to guide hematology research in Europe” says Professor Andreas Engert, chair of the EHA Research Roadmap Task Force, “Hematology in Europe has achieved a lot, but the discipline must focus and…

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The European Health Data Space Regulation is a reality

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation has made it to the EU’s Official Journal, almost three years after the initial proposal was published.

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Healthcare-affiliated professional membership

You don't need to be scientific researcher or a physician to join our vibrant community.

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The new EU clinical trials map is online

A new clinical trial map was launched by EMA as part of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) on March 3.

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