
Meet Robert Hills, our August volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I’m a relatively recent volunteer for EHA, as I only started working with them on their Clinical Research Training in Hematology (CRTH) program in 2016.

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Meet Robert Hills, our August volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I’m a relatively recent volunteer for EHA, as I only started working with them on their Clinical Research Training in Hematology (CRTH) program in 2016.

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Ukraine Bridge Funding - information for applicants

The EHA Ukraine Bridge Funding Program is a 1-year non-clinical funding opportunity for Ukrainian hematologists and researchers in hematology (see press release here), now in collaboration with the American Society of Hematology, which will participate in funding and the selection…

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Call for SWG scientific meeting proposals

The call is open until 12:00 (CEST) on April 18, 2025. Apply now

EHA provides financial support for specialized working group (SWG) scientific meetings to educate and share novel research findings.

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Corporate Sponsor Program

View the EHA Ranking 2025

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

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EHA is guided by the concept of supporting as many young investigators/clinicians as possible in their career development. Therefore, double awarding is not allowed.

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Evidence and policy to ensure good clinical practice

Interview with Vinay Prasad MD MPH by Heiko Becker MD, on behalf of YoungEHA

Leaders in the field that have the potential to make a difference, that challenge the way we are doing things, who push our perspective out of our…

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