
Sanquin Blood Supply will culture erythrocytes for transfusion purposes

ABO-Rh-D matched transfusions result in alloimmunisation in 3-5% of recipients. Once allo-immunized, it may become very difficult to find appropriate donor erythrocytes, especially when multiple antibodies or rare combinations of antibodies are present.

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Registration & accommodation

Registration is closed. The EHA-EBMT 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting provides opportunities for students, trainees, nurses and others to join the meeting for a discounted fee.

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European Scientific foundation for Laboratory Hemato Oncology (ESLHO)

The objectives of ESLHO are to promote the continuous innovation and standardization of laboratory diagnostics focused on lymphoid malignancies, as well as to facilitate quality control and education in this field.

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Michel Boiron 1925-2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Michel Boiron last December 3. Boiron was the founding President (1992-1994) of the European Hematology Association (EHA).

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International Call to Action to Alleviate Drug Shortages

The common call to action seeks first to raise awareness of shortages of drugs among hematologists.

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