
FDA Reports of Secondary Malignancies Following Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapies and Relative Risk: an EBMT-EHA-GoCART Coalition Statement

We need to bring your attention to the recent warning disseminated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding T-cell lymphomas in patients undergoing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy (1).

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EHA Friends' Fund

Together, we can change the lives of many and make greater strides in the treatment of patients with blood disorders.

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Exciting developments in Lymphoma (lymphnode cancer) and Myeloma (plasma cell cancer) to be presented at European Hematology Congress in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

Myeloma, until recently a fatal bone marrow malignancy with a short survival time, is now turning into a chronic disease.

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Target audience

You are a hematologist working at an academic center or a large community hospital that is known for running clinical trials.

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EHA-ASH Translational Research Training in Hematology

TRTH 2025 call is now closed. What is Translational Research Training in Hematology?Translational Research Training in Hematology (TRTH) provides early-career researchers with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience.

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