
Starting this November: EHA Guidelines Workshops!

EHA has initiated a series of online workshops dedicated to guidelines (produced or endorsed by EHA) for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases.

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Press release: Work of 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners to be presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Association in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

With the Scientific Working Group for Stem Cells, the 18th Congress of EHA took the opportunity to acknowledge the work of the 2013 winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology, Drs John B.

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Advances from genome sequencing are paving the way to personalized treatment for leukemia and pre-leukemia

In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) our understanding of how modifications to DNA molecules that do not result in sequence change (i. e.

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How can I start contributing?

Getting started is easy! Here are a few good-to-know tips, that will help you navigate the different aspects of the EHA Hub.

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What an EHA Research Grant supports

Our EHA Research Grants support basic and translational lab-based research in hematology.

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Daratumumab Shows Remarkable Benefit in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma in the POLLUX Study

Daratumumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody that binds to a novel target on myeloma cells.

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