
GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence

Dear GoCART community, 

With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.

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EHA-PTHiT Hematology Mini Tutorial

Dates: April 12-13, 2021
Location: VIRTUAL
Chairs: I Hus (Poland), T Robak (Poland) & G Gaidano (Italy)

As a prelude to the full Tutorial planned for later this year, EHA and the Polish Society of Hematology and Transfusion (PTHiT) present a virtual 'mini…

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Multi-center acute myeloid leukemia study update, December 2023

A project update from Prof Maria Teresa Voso. We successfully completed the data collection and harmonization phases, and are now in the process of data analysis.

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Target audience

You are a hematologist working at an academic center or a large community hospital that is known for running clinical trials.

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Regulatory affairs & scientific relations

EHA’s regulatory work: European Medicines AgencyMost of EHA’s regulatory work entails collaboration with the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

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EHA-SLCH Hematology Tutorial on Myeloid Malignancies and MDS

Dates: February 8-9, 2019
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Chairs: G Ossenkoppele, V Gunawardena, HW Goonasekera

After a successful first edition in 2017, EHA is organizing the second two-day tutorial in close collaboration with the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists (SLCH) on "Myeloid malignancies and MDS".…

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