
5th Focus in Paediatric Haematology-Oncology

The course, which is particularly aimed at specialist trainees in pediatric haemato-oncology, continued the same ethos which inspired the first four courses: the importance of close interactions between the participants and the teaching faculty, a strong emphasis on real cases…

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EHA pays tribute to Professor Jacques-Louis Binet (1932–2024)

We would like to pause to acknowledge the passing of Professor Jacques-Louis Binet, a pioneer in clinical and biological research and an exceptional personality in hematology, on December 17, 2024.

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EHA Statement of Solidarity with local communities in Türkiye and Syria

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is deeply concerned about the situation in southern Türkiye and northern Syria: Monday's earthquakes and aftershocks have killed thousands of people and destroyed innumerable buildings, while freezing temperatures and damaged roads are hampering rescue efforts.

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Stem Cells


The goal of the SWG on Stem Cells is to bring together researchers, biologists and clinicians involved in stem cell research to share their recent advances in the field, as well as to train new junior members.

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Personalized medicine promises radical improvements to healthcare in Europe

And the precision that personalised medicine will bring good prospects for better use of resources.

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