How to apply for TRTH
Download the letter of intent template. Fill in the template and get it duly signed. When you are ready, access the EHA Portal at http://eha. fluxx. io. and register yourself by clicking on the ‘Create an Account’ button.
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Pacritinib is an oral next-generation multikinase inhibitor with specificity for JAK2 and FLT3 being evaluated to treat myelofibrosis in two Phase 3 trials.
Read moreTraining vital for new era of patient-centric healthcare
Christine Chomienne, president of the European Hematology Association (EHA), was speaking at the third annual conference of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) – a Brussels-based organization that brings together stakeholders from academia, through research,…
Read moreMajor Conference: innovation and patient access to personalised medicine
The meeting will bring together researchers, patients, physicians, regulators and politicians, to explore the current barriers and how they can be dismantled.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Patient-centered Geriatric Hematology - report
Live sessions: October 6-7, 2021
Chairs: Prof R Cordoba (Spain) and Dr V Goede (Germany)
An international group of hematologists, specialist nurses, patient advocates, geriatricians, basic research, and pharma representatives gathered digitally to participate in this meeting.
EHA at ICH meeting: Excessive bureaucracy harms patient safety and innovation
To solicit input from a wide range of non-ICH members about the revision of ICH E8(R1), ICH held a Public Meeting on ICH E8(R1) “General Considerations for Clinical Studies” (Silver Spring, USA, October 31, 2019).
Read moreEHA mapping of adolescent and young adult (AYA) hematology patient care
EHA has launched a major consultation to understand patient care for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with hematological diagnoses across Europe.
Read moreCRTH – reflections on a unique learning experience
CRTH (Clinical Research Training in Hematology) is a 9-month long unique training and mentoring experience focused on clinical research in Europe, with a global scope.
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