The European Parliament adopts the Regulation on Substances of Human Origins (SoHO)
On April 24, the European Parliament gave its final endorsement to the regulation on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO).
Read moreEHA-Baltic Hematology Tutorial on Bleeding Disorders & Thrombosis
Dates: August 28-30, 2020
Location: Riga, Latvia
Chairs: S Eichinger (EHA) & S Lejniece (LASH)
After a successful first edition, EHA is once again collaborating with the Latvian Society of Hematology (LASH), the Estonian Society of Hematology (EHS) and the Lithuanian Society of Hematology…
Target audience
You are a hematologist working at an academic center or a large community hospital that is known for running clinical trials.
Read moreMessage from the EHA Board
After more than a decade of tireless work to further EHA’s mission our Executive Director, Carin Smand, has unfortunately announced that she will be leaving our organization.
Read moreEHA-Baltic Hematology Tutorial in Estonia provides European-level expertise to local hematologists
EHA partnered with three Baltic societies on October 18 and 19 to provide European-level expertise to local hematology trainees and experienced hematologists.
Read moreDr A van Hylckama Vlieg Announced Winner of the first EHA-ISTH Joint Fellowship
The award of EUR 72,000 over two years is intended to support the study of the physiology of bleeding, coagulation or thrombosis. Dr.
Read moreEU health policy: limited scope, high ambition
Over the past decades, the European Union (EU) has become more involved in public health policy. A recent study showed that a majority of policymakers even identifies EU health policy as a priority for 2020-20241.
Read moreYoungEHA featured in the European Medical Journal!
As part of a series of interviews conducted at this year’s EHA congress in Amsterdam, the European Medical Journal has published their highly insightful discussions with three distinct members: Professor Shai Izraeli, Professor Barbara Bain, and YoungEHA’s very own Dr…
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