The publications of the ESLHO networks can be found on the following pages:
EuroFlow publications
EuroMRD publications
EuroClonality publications
The publications from 2023 are also listed below.
Original scientific publications
Lymphopenia confers poorer prognosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes with very low and low IPSS-M
Fandrei D, Huynh T, Sébert M, Aguinaga L, Bisio V, Kim R, Clappier E, Espéli M, Balabanian K, Moins-Teisserenc H, Toubert A, Dulphy N, Fenaux…
EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias
EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.
Read moreFundamentals for a Systematic Approach to Mild and Moderate Inherited Bleeding Disorders: An EHA Consensus Report
Healthy subjects frequently report minor bleedings that are frequently ‘background noise’ of normality rather than a true disorder. Nevertheless, unexpected or unusual bleeding may be alarming.
Read moreSpecialized Working Groups
EHA partners with Specialized Working Groups (SWGs) to foster science and to spread knowledge in basic, translational and clinical research in hematology in Europe.
Read moreSponsor prospectus
Dear Partner,
Welcome to the digital EHA Sponsor Prospectus 2024-2025. Over the past two years, the world of congresses, meetings, and education has drastically changed.
Education Committee
Current committee members
Kirsten Grønbæk, Denmark (Chair)
Jose Tomás Navarro Ferrando, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (Board Member, Councilor)
Antonio Almeida, Portugal (EHA President)
Ruxandra Irimia, Romania (Representative, Young EHA)
Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Chair, Education Editors Group)
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair, Community &…
Infections in Hematology
The SWG on Infection in Hematology was founded in 2017 and follows four main goals:
Develop and share clinically useful tools: Many hematologists create checklists and pathways for quick and easy reference.
Aging and Hematology
The SWG "Aging and Hematology" has four main goals for the next four years (2019-2023):
To share clinically useful tools in assessing frailty and comorbidities in older adults with hematologic malignancies.
Stem Cells
The goal of the SWG on Stem Cells is to bring together researchers, biologists and clinicians involved in stem cell research to share their recent advances in the field, as well as to train new junior members.