
Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else

By Dr. med.

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EHA24 is YOUR congress – here’s how you can make the most of it

Congress season is an exciting time for any field. It’s a time when experts come together to share the latest developments, and also an opportunity to see friends and colleagues who you haven’t seen in a while.

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Enabling the spread of good research – a day in the life of an Editor-in-Chief

Most conversations with the Editor of a scientific journal usually revolve around the acceptance (hooray!) or rejection (oh no!) of our research work.

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Celebrating the International Day of Women & Girls in Science

On this International Day of Women & Girls in Science, we take a moment to honor, appreciate and thank, all the women scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19.

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3rd Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) in 2020 focused on Latin America a success!

November 13, 2020

Meeting Chairs:

Prof J Gribben (European Hematology Association)
Prof G Stemmelin (Argentinian Society of Hematology)

On November 13, EHA and the Argentinian Society of Hematology (SAH) kicked-off the second HOPE Latin America meeting in a virtual format.

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Reducing bureaucracy in clinical trials: now is the time!

Medical societies and patient advocates across disciplines have joined forces with EHA to call for urgent action to make clinical trials less bureaucratic and more patient-centered, efficient and cheaper.

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Actions we're taking to reduce the environmental impact of our flagship event: the EHA Congress.

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