
EBAH CME policy

Welcome to the EBAH CME Accreditation policy for EHA2025 Congress. Below you will find an overview of the EBAH CME credits that can be collected for physical attendance as well as virtual attendance of the sessions.

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Belgium shares EU health priorities for Council Presidency

On December 8, Belgium held a conference to unveil its program for the upcoming Council of the EU Presidency (website), to start on January 1, 2024.

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Reducing bureaucracy in clinical trials: now is the time!

Medical societies and patient advocates across disciplines have joined forces with EHA to call for urgent action to make clinical trials less bureaucratic and more patient-centered, efficient and cheaper.

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Recommendation for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis

Recommendations for hematologists in COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, is expected to be a devastating infection in patients with active cancer. It should be taken seriously and managed rigorously without jeopardizing the curative chance of individual cancer patients.

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Red Cells and Iron

This SWG covers the clinical areas of inherited and acquired disorders of the erythrocyte and iron metabolism.

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The new EU clinical trials map is online

A new clinical trial map was launched by EMA as part of the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) on March 3.

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Exciting developments in Lymphoma (lymphnode cancer) and Myeloma (plasma cell cancer) to be presented at European Hematology Congress in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

Myeloma, until recently a fatal bone marrow malignancy with a short survival time, is now turning into a chronic disease.

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