Chairs and Members
Chair ESLHO: Prof Dr J. J. M. van Dongen, USAL, Salamanca, Spain
Chair EuroFlow: Prof Dr J. J. M van Dongen, USAL, Salamanca, Spain
Chair EuroMRD: Prof Dr M.
GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence
Dear GoCART community,
With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.
Dr A van Hylckama Vlieg Announced Winner of the first EHA-ISTH Joint Fellowship
The award of EUR 72,000 over two years is intended to support the study of the physiology of bleeding, coagulation or thrombosis. Dr.
Read moreGreat new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!
Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!
by Dr Nuno Borges, YoungEHA committee
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched the 'Collaborating Expert Programme' - an initiative which aims to increase co-operation between European countries to improve research into medicinal products.…
GoCART coalition activities (CARTs and cellular therapies)
GoCART Clinical Case Discussion Series for Physicians - 4th edition
Panel: Dr. Sara Ghorashian, Dr. Peter Bader and Dr. Franco Locatelli along with moderator Dr.
2018’s Sjöberg Prize awarded for unique treatment that cures a once fatal cancer
Dr. Zhu Chen, Dr. Anne Dejean and Dr. Hugues de Thé will be awarded the Sjöberg Prize 2018 for their work on how acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) could be cured based on arsenic and retinoic acid.
Read moreNew at EHA 15: EHA-JSH Joint Symposium
On behalf of JSH Dr Toshiki Watanabe will speak about "Molecular pathogenesis of ATL". Dr Herman Einsele presents EHA with his lecture "New treatments strategies for EBV-associated LPD as a model for immunotherapy of virus-associated/induced tumors".
Read more1st European EHA Sickle Cell Conference
EHA is teaming up with the Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, 2020 and the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to co-organize this first European Sickle Cell Conference; and also as a result of COVID-19 offer it as…
Read moreEHA at ICH meeting: Excessive bureaucracy harms patient safety and innovation
To solicit input from a wide range of non-ICH members about the revision of ICH E8(R1), ICH held a Public Meeting on ICH E8(R1) “General Considerations for Clinical Studies” (Silver Spring, USA, October 31, 2019).
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