A new targeted combination therapy with potential to eliminate relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that has recurred or isn’t responding to standard treatment need new therapies. A new combination of two targeted therapies is showing potential to eliminate CLL in these circumstances.
Read moreLeading Medical Organizations Join Forces Globally to Launch First-Ever World Thrombosis Day
“We must reduce the burden from thrombosis if we are to achieve the World Health Assembly’s global target of reducing mortality from premature non-communicable disease by 25 percent by 2025,” said Gary Raskob, Ph. D.
Read moreTreatment, medicine and hematology research: What patients want and doctors need (to know)
Jan Geissler, a Patient Advocate remarked about the Congress: “Over and above scientific updates, much can be achieved in partnership between hematologists and patients.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
November 10-11, 2022 | Bordeaux, France
Meeting Chairs:
MC Béné, Nantes University
G Zini, Università Cattolica S.
EHA Congratulates EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 Winners
The Hague, December 8, 2022 – EHA Congratulates seven talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of an EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 after a rigorous selection process.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
Social and public activitiesSince 2020, Prof Hermann Einsele has been a Councilor to the EHA Board. Scientific activitiesFifth European CAR T-cell meetingDateFebruary 9–11, 2023. LocationRotterdam, The Netherlands.
Read moreHelping to shape Europe’s clinical trials landscape: EHA selected for ACT EU advisory group
Improving the design, efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trials is the objective of the Accelerating Clinical Trials in the European Union (ACT EU) initiative.
Read moreHighlights of the EHA-EMA Joint Symposium on RWE
The fourth EHA-EMA Joint Symposium at EHA2024 brought together investigators, regulators and patients to discuss the use of real world evidence (RWE) in the evaluation of new drugs.
Read moreHematopoietic stem cells: New results to be presented at the 18th Congress of the EHA
During ageing, this fine-tuned regulatory network may become altered, leading to abnormal HSC regulation. The functional quality of HSCs decreases with age partly due to an accumulation of damaged DNA, leading to an increased incidence of hematological malignancies.
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