EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Hematological Disorders
Dates: February 28-29, 2020
Location: Chandigarh, India
Chairs: N Varma, P Malhotra, J Gribben
Organized by: European Hematology Association (EHA) & Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT)
EHA will join ISHBT for a fourth time to organize the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, this time in Chandigargh,…
First Hybrid HOPE meeting in Bangkok, Thailand - a report
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2022
September 2-3, 2022 – Bangkok, Thailand
Meeting chairs
A Almeida, President, European Hematology Association (EHA)
G Gaidano, Chair Global Outreach Committee, European Hematology Association (EHA)
P Rojnuckarin, President, Thai Society of Hematology (TSH)
S Hongeng, Vice President, Thai Society…
ASCAT 2023
EHA joins forces with the British Society of Haematology (BSH) & Annual Academy of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in organizing the 18th Annual Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Conference.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
SWG meeting, EHA2023 CongressGuidelines SessionSession title‘The European Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Neutropenia in Adults and Children.
Read moreThe European Union must deliver funding for research of blood disorders
At the 20th Annual Congress of EHA, the results of two major projects are presented. The first is a study into the Cost of Blood Disorders in the EU Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland.
Read morePublications
For the subgroup Rare hereditary blood cancers:
GATA2 monoallelic expression underlies reduced penetrance in inherited GATA2-mutated MDS/AML.
HARMONY: Big data for better and faster treatment
HARMONY Alliance: A European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Hematology - Enabling Better and Faster Treatment based on Big Data technologies
Despite data being a key driver for modern evidence-based medicine, we have been struggling with the same challenge for…