EHA-NSHBT Sickle Cell Disease Webinar
EHA and the Topics-in-Focus Taskforce on Hemoglobinopathies are working with the Nigerian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NSHBT) to organize a webinar on Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).
Read moreFUNDING ALERT: Calls published on ATMPs, T cells and cancer research
In recent weeks, two Calls for proposals were published that offer relevant funding opportunities for hematologists:
Ibrutinib improves survival in CLL and SLL patients: Results From the RESONATE Study.
Patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) who experience short response duration or adverse cytogenetics have poor outcomes.
EHA-IRSTH-IPHOS-SHRC Hematology Tutorial
In 2020 EHA will co-organize the 2nd Hematology Tutorial in Iran.
EHA Awards 2011 at the 16th Congress of EHA in London
Bob Löwenberg will be the fourth recipient of the Jean Bernard Lifetime Achievement Award which was presented for the first time at the 13th Annual Congress in Copenhagen.
Read moreBurnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else
Burnout - it doesn't just happen to someone else
By Dr. med.