
EHA Meeting Hub

Book a free-of-charge space at EHA2025 where you can meet your colleagues and further your work in person. What is the EHA Meeting Hub?The EHA Meeting Hub is a bookable on-site space at the EHA Congress venue in Milan.

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EHA, AHA and GBMTA Successfully Conclude the First Joint Virtual Mini Hematology Tutorial

 EHA-AHA-GBMTA Mini Hematology Tutorial

November 10-11, 2021

Meeting chairs:

Prof G Gaidano (European Hematology Association)
Prof YK Hakobyan (Armenian Hematology Association)
Dr T Kvatchadze (Georgian Association For Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation)
EHA, the Armenian Hematology Association (AHA) and for the first time with the Georgian…

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2021 - report

The sixth HOPE MENA, with highlights of the EHA Annual Congress, successfully concluded September 23-24. Fully virtual for the second year in a row, the program was compiled together with eight regional partner societies.

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Lymphoma, multiple myeloma and marrow failure syndromes better understood during Sri Lanka tutorial

Hematologists from Sri Lanka and surrounding countries learned how to best care for patients with lymphoma, multiple myeloma and bone marrow failure syndromes and stem cell transplantation during the joint Tutorial organized by EHA with the Sri Lanka College of…

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Ibrutinib improves survival in CLL and SLL patients: Results From the RESONATE Study.


Patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) who experience short response duration or adverse cytogenetics have poor outcomes.

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The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

The HARMONY project: learning to work in BIG (DATA) teams

By Anna Kabanova PhD, YoungEHA committee member

On 26 and 27 September 2019 several YoungEHA members, including myself, had the chance to participate in the 4th General Assembly of the HARMONY Alliance…

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