
Harnessing new developments in genomics to improve outcome for children with poor prognosis leukemia

At the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), we will learn about the state-of-the-art in management of childhood AML.

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Leading Medical Organizations Join Forces Globally to Launch First-Ever World Thrombosis Day

“We must reduce the burden from thrombosis if we are to achieve the World Health Assembly’s global target of reducing mortality from premature non-communicable disease by 25 percent by 2025,” said Gary Raskob, Ph. D.

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Position of EHA on Clinical Trials


The challenge
In Europe, the number of clinical trials is steadily decreasing. From 2007 to 2010, their number has decreased by some 20 percent from 5,028 to 4,193.

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Press release: Theme of the Year and Patient Advocacy - 18th Congress of EHA - European Hematology Association

This year for the first time, the EHA congress program is complemented by a dedicated advocacy track. This track combines all patient and policy related sessions into one comprehensive full-day program on Saturday.

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Professor Degos awarded at the 17th Congress of EHA in Amsterdam

Professor Degos has made a major contribution, to our understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), to international public health and to the EHA.

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Press Release "Crucial Directives must be revised to protect patients' interests and improve access to treatment"

This was a key message of a two-day conference, “Haematology and the next European decade”, hosted by the European Parliament and attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patients’ organisations and Commission officials.

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Press Release: Better funding for research into blood diseases will save more lives

“Haematology is probably the area of medicine that has progressed the most in recent years”, said Professor Robin Foà of “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

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Press Release: “Building the knowledge economy in the world of blood diseases: patients, professionals and Parliamentarians help make the new Europe.”

Brussels, 29th August 2011

On the 30th & 31st of August a conference will be hosted in the European Parliament that will demonstrate the leading role haematology will have in securing the future knowledge economy envisaged in the Europe 2020 Strategy.…

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Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional QualificationsThe future of the Harmonisation of the Haematology Curriculum in Europe

On the occasion of the meeting, there was unanimous support for the

“Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications” that follows:

The mobility of haematology trainees is of the utmost importance.

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