
Press Release: News on Red Cells and Iron presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Asscociation in Stockholm June 13-16, 2013

Recent evidence suggests that these congenital anaemias are caused by molecular abnormalities in the transport of iron and other molecules and a deeper understanding of these mechanisms may lead to a better knowledge of the normal development of the red…

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EHA Taskforce on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce has a mandate from the EHA Board to develop a policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that will be the blueprint for:

Initiating and implementing activities to empower underrepresented groups.

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Research in hematology has dramatically improved our understanding of hematologic diseases and resulted in many innovative, groundbreaking discoveries.

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EHA-PTHiT Hematology Mini Tutorial

Dates: April 12-13, 2021
Location: VIRTUAL
Chairs: I Hus (Poland), T Robak (Poland) & G Gaidano (Italy)

As a prelude to the full Tutorial planned for later this year, EHA and the Polish Society of Hematology and Transfusion (PTHiT) present a virtual 'mini…

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2021 - report

The sixth HOPE MENA, with highlights of the EHA Annual Congress, successfully concluded September 23-24. Fully virtual for the second year in a row, the program was compiled together with eight regional partner societies.

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ATMPs and CAR-T: the uptake challenge

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are a game changer for improving the life of patients with severe to life-threatening diseases. In hematology, for instance, CAR T cell therapy has shown promising results in tackling different blood cancers.

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Leading Medical Organizations Join Forces Globally to Launch First-Ever World Thrombosis Day

“We must reduce the burden from thrombosis if we are to achieve the World Health Assembly’s global target of reducing mortality from premature non-communicable disease by 25 percent by 2025,” said Gary Raskob, Ph. D.

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Specialized Working Group Grants

EHA provides financial support to small research projects initiated by our specialized working groups (SWGs).

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