
EHA & ERN-EuroBloodNet Spotlight on Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Webinars

An accredited European online educational program for health professionals, organized by EHA and ERN-EuroBloodNet. DatesThe sessions will take place on :

Monday, April 15, 2024 at 17:00 (CEST). Monday, May 13, 2024 at 17:00 (CEST).

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Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional QualificationsThe future of the Harmonisation of the Haematology Curriculum in Europe

On the occasion of the meeting, there was unanimous support for the

“Brussels Declaration on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications” that follows:

The mobility of haematology trainees is of the utmost importance.

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SWG Educational Activities

Social and public activitiesSince 2020, Prof Hermann Einsele has been a Councilor to the EHA Board. Scientific activitiesFifth European CAR T-cell meetingDateFebruary 9–11, 2023. LocationRotterdam, The Netherlands.

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Chairs and Members

The EHA SWG commenced in 2020, but initial work was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We therefore started in 2021, in preparation for a (successful) SWG meeting in 2022.

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‘Rare Cancers in all EU policies’: Prof Elizabeth Macintyre expresses strong EHA support for the Rare Cancers Europe agenda

On September 28, EHA President Elizabeth Macintyre addressed an audience that included Members of the European Parliament, and officials of the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency, as well as members of the Rare Cancers Europe (RCE) partnership.

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Novel basis for chemoresistance in AML: DNMT3A R882 mutations promote chemoresistance and residual disease through impaired DNA damage sensing

Although most acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients initially respond to chemotherapy, the majority subsequently relapses and succumbs to refractory disease. Residual leukemic cells that survived chemotherapy may persist over time and later cause the disease to come back.

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Registration & accommodation

Registration is closed

Individual RegistrationHybrid registration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities to speak with the faculty during breaks and the welcome reception
Coffee/tea breaks on November 2-4 and lunches on November 3 and 4
Access to…

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