Challenging the safety of conformity: Better poster design to disseminate scientific knowledge fast
“Congratulations – your abstract was accepted for the upcoming EHA congress”.
Read moreIntroducing YoungEHA: you don’t have to grow old to make a difference
By Dr. Fabienne Lucas, MD PhD, YoungEHA Committee. Hearing exciting new research, attending lectures by leaders in the field, and networking are some of the obvious things that are happening during the annual EHA congress.
Read moreMeet Antonio Almeida, our February Volunteer of the Month
EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.
Read moreMeet Antonio Almeida, our February Volunteer of the Month
EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.
Read moreThe European Union must deliver funding for research of blood disorders
At the 20th Annual Congress of EHA, the results of two major projects are presented. The first is a study into the Cost of Blood Disorders in the EU Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland.
Read moreTraining vital for new era of patient-centric healthcare
Christine Chomienne, president of the European Hematology Association (EHA), was speaking at the third annual conference of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) – a Brussels-based organization that brings together stakeholders from academia, through research,…
Read moreMajor research funding calls are out now
First, the Innovative Medicines Initiative published its final call under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. Interestingly for hematologists, the call includes a project called ‘Blood-based biomarker assays for personalized tumour therapy: value of circulating biomarkers’.
Read moreThe International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Hosts its Second Advanced Training Course on Thrombosis and Haemostasis on March 13-16, 2014
The Second Advance Training Course is a follow-up to the successful inaugural course organized in 2011 and attended by 200 professionals. Course speakers include nine international and regional experts in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis.
Read morePosition of EHA on Research Funding
The challenge
The cost of biomedical research is great, but the cost of disease is immense. An ageing population and expensive innovations in medicine put an increasing burden on already stressed healthcare budgets.