Previous exams
2024 exam
The most recent European Hematology Exam took place on June 13, 2024. In total, 244 candidates took the exam at 15 locations.
Learn more on the EHA Campus
EHA has developed EHA Campus courses related to previous EHA-LSHBT Virtual Hematology Updates. The aim of the courses is to add to your learning experience, making the information discussed during the webinars available in an interactive and engaging way.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
Recruitment trialsRecruitment is underway for the following trials:
Trial on precision hematology: Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and Next Generation Functional Drug Screening for Patients With Aggressive Haematological Malignancies (EXALT-2); ClinicalTrials.
EU Parliament agrees on pharmaceutical legislation stance
On April 10, the European Parliament adopted its position on the revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation.
Read moreCall for interest
As a member of an EHA committee or taskforce, you’ll be instrumental in taking our ambitions to the next level.
Read moreEHA-NSHBT Sickle Cell Disease Webinar
EHA and the Topics-in-Focus Taskforce on Hemoglobinopathies are working with the Nigerian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NSHBT) to organize a webinar on Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).
Read moreHARMONY: Innovative Medicines Initiative approves € 40 million project for better care of patients with hematologic malignancies
HARMONY will capture, integrate, analyze and harmonize anonymous patient data from high-quality multidisciplinary sources to unlock valuable knowledge on multiple myeloma (MM), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)…
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