
Proposal for an EU Regulation on Clinical Trials: A joint statement from non-commercial and commercial organisations

This statement outlines the areas of agreement within the health and research communities on where the Regulation will improve the research environment. Aspects of the Regulation that could be improved to further support clinical research are also highlighted.

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EU health policy: limited scope, high ambition

Over the past decades, the European Union (EU) has become more involved in public health policy. A recent study showed that a majority of policymakers even identifies EU health policy as a priority for 2020-20241.

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Renew your membership

If you want to keep enjoying the benefits of EHA membership— from around-the-clock access to EHA Campus to discounts on EHA Congress registration—you'll need to renew your membership.

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Revising the ICH Guidelines on Clinical Trials

The EHA delegation to the ICH meeting: from left to right, Professors Christian Gisselbrecht, Steven Le Gouill and Martin Dreyling. Clinical trials and drug development have become more complex over the years.

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EU Elections and Health Policy

HemAffairs Article #1 – June 2019

2019 will see significant changes within the European institutions.

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