

Register closed

Registration fee includes:

Access to all scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities during breaks 
Coffee breaks on October 18-20 and lunch on October 19

All fees include VAT.

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Infections in Hematology

The SWG on Infection in Hematology was founded in 2017 and follows four main goals:

Develop and share clinically useful tools: Many hematologists create checklists and pathways for quick and easy reference.

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Aging and Hematology

The SWG "Aging and Hematology" has four main goals for the next four years (2019-2023):

To share clinically useful tools in assessing frailty and comorbidities in older adults with hematologic malignancies.

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EU pilot on drug repurposing

Drug repurposing (finding new indications for existing authorized medicines) is increasingly prominent in the debate about improving access to medicines. As stated in EHA’s position paper on access to affordable orphan medicines (Merlini et al.

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International CML adherence survey launched

The drivers behind non-adherence, a highly prevalent problem in oral cancer treatments but also in many other diseases like diabetes, are not well understood to date.

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Social Media Learning

EHA presents our own microlearning in 4 formats, covering diagnosis, pathology, clinical schemas, and clinical cases within topics in the European Hematology Curriculum.

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