
Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!

Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!
by Dr Nuno Borges, YoungEHA committee

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched the 'Collaborating Expert Programme' - an initiative which aims to increase co-operation between European countries to improve research into medicinal products.…

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Nomination criteria

General criteriaOur refreshed EHA Awards program is designed to recognize and encourage the extraordinary achievements of individuals across the field of hematology. Eligibility
To nominate or be nominated, you must be an EHA member.

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EHA-SSH joint membership

Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Swiss Society of Hematology. We've joined forces with the Swiss Society of Hematology (SSH) to offer a special joint membership deal.

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Community and Stakeholder Committee

Current committee members
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair)
Donal McLornan, United Kingdom (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (EHA Board)
Margarita Guenova, Bulgaria (EHA Board)
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (Representative, Young EHA Committee)
Ivo Touw, The Netherlands (Representative, Education Committee)
Regular members
Daniel Coriu, Romania
Andres Ferreri, Italy
Darko Antic,…

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EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Tutorial 2022

EHA is joined forces with the Albanian Association of Hematology (AAH) to organize the EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Tutorial.

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Novel basis for chemoresistance in AML: DNMT3A R882 mutations promote chemoresistance and residual disease through impaired DNA damage sensing

Although most acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients initially respond to chemotherapy, the majority subsequently relapses and succumbs to refractory disease. Residual leukemic cells that survived chemotherapy may persist over time and later cause the disease to come back.

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EHA-ASH TRTH Joint Oversight Committee

Current committee members
Janis Abkowitz
David Bodine
Chiara Bonini
Ruud Delwel
Mary Dinauer
Terry Fry
Jessica Okosun
Kostas Stamatopoulos
AimTo develop, in collaboration with ASH, translational researchers in Europe and beyond by running the TRTH program while maintaining quality of the program elements by choosing and guiding the faculty…

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EHA25 Virtual | News Room

Welcome to the news room of EHA25 Virtual where you can find the most relevant news items.

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