
1st European EHA Sickle Cell Conference

EHA is teaming up with the Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, 2020 and the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to co-organize this first European Sickle Cell Conference; and also as a result of COVID-19 offer it as…

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Major research funding calls are out now

First, the Innovative Medicines Initiative published its final call under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. Interestingly for hematologists, the call includes a project called ‘Blood-based biomarker assays for personalized tumour therapy: value of circulating biomarkers’.

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Sponsor opportunities

The European Hematology Association (EHA) invites you to support the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: Commonalities and differences of myeloid neoplasms.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

The European Hematology Association (EHA) invites you to support the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: From Basic Science to Clinical Case Application.

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Call for SWG scientific meeting proposals

The call for SWG scientific meeting proposals is closed. As part of its aim to educate and share novel research findings, EHA provides financial support for specialized working group (SWG) scientific meetings.

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YoungEHA Mentorship Mixer at EHA2024

Hosted by the YoungEHA Committee, the Mentorship Mixer is a pilot event for a potential EHA mentorship program.

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