Lymphoid malignancies dissected in Warsaw
The EHA–PTHiT Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies was held on March 17-18, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. 96% of meeting attendees were satisfied with the tutorial saying that their expectations are met.
Read moreLymphomas from A to Z
Nineteen countries from 3 continents were represented during the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Rare Lymphomas on March 10-12, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
Read moreA European Reference Network for Rare Hematological Diseases
You may have heard of European Reference Networks (ERNs). But most likely you have not. ERNs are networks of specialized hospital departments and research centers to treat rare or low-prevalent complex diseases.
Read moreThe International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Hosts its Second Advanced Training Course on Thrombosis and Haemostasis on March 13-16, 2014
The Second Advance Training Course is a follow-up to the successful inaugural course organized in 2011 and attended by 200 professionals. Course speakers include nine international and regional experts in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis.
Read moreWide Consensus Reached at Irish Presidency Conference on ‘Innovation and Patient Access to Personalised Medicine'
DUBLIN, March 25: Wide consensus emerged at the Irish Presidency Conference on ‘Innovation and Patient Access to Personalised Medicine’ on the need for radical change if Europe's approach to healthcare is to benefit from the potential of personalised medicine.
Read morePersonalized medicine promises radical improvements to healthcare in Europe
And the precision that personalised medicine will bring good prospects for better use of resources.
Read moreEPICOVIDEHA survey
COVID-19 infections in patients with Hematological Malignancies - Results from EHA-IDWP registry
EPICOVIDEHA is an international open web-based registry for patients with haematological malignancies infected with SARS-CoV-2,
The survey has been approved by the Institutional Review Board and Ethics Committee of the…
EHA-LSHBT Virtual Hematology Updates, a Successful Course Tailored for the Region!
March – October 2021
In a series of six webinar courses chairs Gianluca Gaidano (EHA) and Ali Taher (LSHBT) were joined by several experts that gave lectures and interactive patient cases to practitioners who manage patients with benign and hematologic malignancies.…