Sponsor and Fundraising Committee
Current committee members
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Chair (EHA Board))
Antonio Pierini, Italy (Vice Chair (non-Board member))
Igor Aurer, Croatia (Representative, SWG Committee)
Mariane de Montalembert, France (Councilor)
Konstanze Döhner, Germany (EHA Board)
Kirsten Gronbaek, Denmark (EHA Board)
Frank Leebeek, The Netherlands (Councilor)
David Rees, United Kingdom (Representative, Education…
EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Hematological Disorders
Dates: February 28-29, 2020
Location: Chandigarh, India
Chairs: N Varma, P Malhotra, J Gribben
Organized by: European Hematology Association (EHA) & Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT)
EHA will join ISHBT for a fourth time to organize the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, this time in Chandigargh,…
Lighting the Flame program phases
A full guide to what our Lighting the Flame program involves, including dates of upcoming online workshops and in-person retreats.
Read moreHematology Education & Training
The European Hematology Association (EHA) is the largest provider of independent, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed medical and scientific education in hematology in Europe.
Read moreSWG Educational Activities
EHA2023 Hybrid CongressDate and locationJune 8–11, 2023, in Frankfurt, Germany. ChairMarie Jose Kersten
Case discussions
Follicular Lymphoma: Martin Dreylng, Daphne De Jong. Double hit Lymphoma: Andrew Davies, Elias Campo. T-follicular helper cell lymphoma: Andrew Davies, Daphne De Jong.
EHA2025 delegate services [draft]
EHA is pleased to introduce delegate services for the upcoming EHA2025 Congress—services that registered participants can use prior, during, or after the event. Special airline fare
Enjoy a discounted flight rate and join us in Milan.
EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: From Basic Science to Clinical Case Application
Dates: October 12-14, 2023
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Chairs: A Taher & A Iolascon
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group on Red Cells and Iron
Registration is closed
RegistrationRegistration is closed. Visit this page for more information.
EHA-SEHH joint membership
Save money and time by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia. We've joined forces with the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemotherapia (SEHH) to offer a special joint membership deal.
Read moreEHA-SIE joint membership
Save money and time money by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Società Italiana di Ematologia. We've joined forces with the Società Italiana di Ematologia (SIE) to offer a special joint membership deal.
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