
EU health policy: limited scope, high ambition

Over the past decades, the European Union (EU) has become more involved in public health policy. A recent study showed that a majority of policymakers even identifies EU health policy as a priority for 2020-20241.

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Major research funding calls are out now

First, the Innovative Medicines Initiative published its final call under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. Interestingly for hematologists, the call includes a project called ‘Blood-based biomarker assays for personalized tumour therapy: value of circulating biomarkers’.

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In Memoriam Jean Claude Brouet

Professor Jean Claude Brouet passed away on December 12, 2022 at the age of 80.

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Message from the EHA President

As the year closes, is with great pleasure that I reflect on 2021, six months into my Presidency of the European Hematology Association (EHA). It is also time to look forward to the new year.

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National Societies and EHA join forces for Ukraine

The European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European National Societies for Hematology want to express again, and publicly, their profound solidarity with the Ukrainian Hematology Society, and with Ukrainian hematology patients and their families.

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The aim of this SWG is to strengthen and invigorate European research in transfusion, to foster new networks and collaborations, with the ultimate goal of optomisingtransfusion practice in Europe based on scientific evidence.

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ASCERTAIN: EHA joins consortium aiming for better pricing and reimbursement models

November 28, 2022
EHA is a partner in the ASCERTAIN consortium which will develop models for the pricing, cost-benefit assessment, and reimbursement of innovative health technologies in Europe.

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Open Access: the ‘Plan S’


Research and academic groundwork funded with public means should be free and open to everyone. That is the principle behind Open Access that was formulated in 2003 in the Berlin Declaration.

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