
100,000 Patient data sets: The value of data sharing to accelerate blood cancer research.

With almost 100,000 patient data sets identified and 63,000 already transferred to the HARMONY Big Data Platform, the HARMONY Alliance is fully equipped to facilitate state-of-the-art research into blood cancers.

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The importance of education and collaboration for the treatment of patients

This article is written in the context of EHA’s membership of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) where EHA takes a lead in the development of a strategy for education in personalized medicine. Read the full article here

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Effective treatment of aging patients with hematological diseases discussed during SWG Aging meeting in Poland

The progress in the field of aging and the optimal and rational approaches of "fit" and "unfit" older patients with malignant hemopathies was the focus of the three-day EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Aging and Hematology held on October 12-14, 2018 in…

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Overview of EHA's Hemoglobinopathies Initiatives

The EHA Topics-in-Focus Hemoglobinopathies Program  (focus on Sickle Cell Disease) aims to expand awareness and education about these increasingly common genetic diseases in Europe, among healthcare professionals, patients and the general population.

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