
Message from the EHA President

As the year closes, is with great pleasure that I reflect on 2021, six months into my Presidency of the European Hematology Association (EHA). It is also time to look forward to the new year.

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Multiple Myeloma: EHA-ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up

These Guidelines were developed by the European Hematology Association (EHA) and European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). The 2 societies nominated authors to write the guidelines as well as reviewers to comment on them.

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Would you sell Peripheral Blood derived Stem Cells?

There are many things that are different in the United States of America (USA) and Europe. Some of these differences are in favour of society in the USA and some in Europe.

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Cookie policy

When you visit the EHA website and/or EHA’s resource platform(s) (this includes all websites and pages, with the exemption of www. t2evolve.

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FDA Reports of Secondary Malignancies Following Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapies and Relative Risk: an EBMT-EHA-GoCART Coalition Statement

We need to bring your attention to the recent warning disseminated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding T-cell lymphomas in patients undergoing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy (1).

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Meet Eva Hellström-Lindberg, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
These days I am not as involved in EHA as I used to be, besides the various services when asked for, which I think is how it should…

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Meet Eva Hellström-Lindberg, our Volunteer of the Month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
These days I am not as involved in EHA as I used to be, besides the various services when asked for, which I think is how it should…

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Jobs at EHA

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is a not-for-profit organization that supports and connects hematologists worldwide. EHA promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology towards a cure for all blood disorders.

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