
‘Rare Cancers in all EU policies’: Prof Elizabeth Macintyre expresses strong EHA support for the Rare Cancers Europe agenda

On September 28, EHA President Elizabeth Macintyre addressed an audience that included Members of the European Parliament, and officials of the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency, as well as members of the Rare Cancers Europe (RCE) partnership.

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Novel basis for chemoresistance in AML: DNMT3A R882 mutations promote chemoresistance and residual disease through impaired DNA damage sensing

Although most acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients initially respond to chemotherapy, the majority subsequently relapses and succumbs to refractory disease. Residual leukemic cells that survived chemotherapy may persist over time and later cause the disease to come back.

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Dutch scientists propose algorithm to keep drugs affordable and accessible

May 8, 2018, The Hague - An important contribution to the debate about the affordability and accessibility of innovative medicines appeared in Nature Reviews, proposing the adoption of a novel model of price setting with examples of implementation.

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The Reporting, Use, and Validity of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma in Clinical Trials: A Systematic Literature Review
Salek, S. ; Ionova, T. ; Oliva, E. N. ; Andreas, M. ; Skoetz, N. ; Kreuzberger, N. ; Laane, E.

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Evaluation of a single 1.000 mg iron dose as ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) for fatigue treatment in Iron deficient women – PREFER

Fatigue and iron deficiency are prevalent among women of childbearing age. This randomised, placebo-controlled study evaluated the effect of a single intravenous 1.

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Chairs and Members

ChairProf Dr Carlo Dufour, Gaslini Children’s Research Hospital, Genova (Italy)

Co-chairProf Dr Helen Papadaki, Institution University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete (Greece)

SWG Executive Board members
Kim De Keersmaecker, University of Leuven (Belgium)
Francesca Fioredda, G.

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Adding elotuzumab to standard treatment for multiple myeloma significantly reduced the risk of disease progression, with benefits sustained at two years

ELOQUENT-2, which evaluated elotuzumab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone, is the first Phase III study to demonstrate the benefit of directly activating the immune system in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.

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Addition of obinutuzumab (GA101) or rituximab to chlorambucil improves outcomes for elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and co-existing medical conditions (comorbidities)

CLL is the most common leukemia in the western world. Many CLL patients are elderly and have comorbidities rendering them ineligible for aggressive standard treatments.

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Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY
Thomas Chatzikonstantinou; Lydia Scarfò; Georgios Karakatsoulis; Eva Minga; Dimitra Chamou; Gloria Iacoboni; Jana Kotaskova; Christos Demosthenous; Lukas Smolej;…

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