
The invisible burden of the pandemic

Writing about my perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic has been on my mind for some time.

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Nikolai Klimko 1956-2023

Professor Nikolai Klimko 

Professor Nikolai Klimko, MD PhD, FECMM
March 22, 1956 - March 30, 2023

With deepest sorrow we learned that on March 30, 2023, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Klimko passed at age 68.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Cairo 2018

EHA returned to Cairo with the 3rd edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE). The meeting was organized in partnership with regional and national societies in the Middle East and North Africa.

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Congratulations to the 2021 Research Grant winners!

The Hague, 2 June 2021 –EHA congratulates nine talented researchers in hematology on their receipt of the EHA Research Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.

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Secure European Research Funding! Sign the Petition!


http://www. no-cuts-on-research. eu
EHA supports European Nobel and Fields Medal prizewinners to prevent the EU research funding for 2014-2020 from being subject to budget cuts.

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