
The February 2018 - Volume 2 - Issue 1 of HemaSphere is now available online

The February 2018 - Volume 2 - Issue 1 of HemaSphere is now available online. HemaSphere is an open access journal, powered by the European Hematology Association and dedicated to support hematology patient care, research and education worldwide.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Press Release: News on Red Cells and Iron presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Asscociation in Stockholm June 13-16, 2013

Recent evidence suggests that these congenital anaemias are caused by molecular abnormalities in the transport of iron and other molecules and a deeper understanding of these mechanisms may lead to a better knowledge of the normal development of the red…

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Improved survival for adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) patients

Historical survival for patients 18-45 years with ALL is approximately 40 %. However the event free survival for ALL patients 18-45 years has improved to 73% following implementation of the NOPHO ALL2008 protocol in July 2008.

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Major bleeding in patients on treatment with NOACs or VKAs in real-life: clinical presentation, management and outcome

Major bleeding in patients on treatment with NOACs or VKAs in real-life: clinical presentation, management and outcome

Limited data are available on major bleeding (MB) occurring during treatment with vitamin K (VKAs) or non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) outside clinical…

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Harnessing new developments in genomics to improve outcome for children with poor prognosis leukemia

At the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), we will learn about the state-of-the-art in management of childhood AML.

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Press release: Theme of the Year and Patient Advocacy - 18th Congress of EHA - European Hematology Association

This year for the first time, the EHA congress program is complemented by a dedicated advocacy track. This track combines all patient and policy related sessions into one comprehensive full-day program on Saturday.

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Immunoglobulin shortages in the spotlight: EMA, SUPPLY and the SoHO Regulation

EMA executive director Emer Cooke welcoming participants including EHA at the Shortages Workshop, March 1


Shortages of immunoglobulins and the need to increase and sustain plasma supplies have moved to the center of the EU policy and regulatory stage.

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Mutiple Myeloma at the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association: What is new?

During the meeting, recently developed approaches for diagnosis and monitoring will be presented. Gene-expression-profiling to detect molecular subgroups with a different prognosis and high-throughput-sequencing to identify new genetic lesions will be discussed.

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