
HARMONY Alliance: 2nd General Assembly, October 23-24, 2017

The 2nd HARMONY General Assembly is organised from 23-24 October 2017 at Bayer in Berlin. The HARMONY Alliance is a European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Hematology, consisting of 51 partners.

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EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial on Hematological Disorders

Dates: February 28-29, 2020
Location: Chandigarh, India
Chairs: N Varma, P Malhotra, J Gribben

Organized by: European Hematology Association (EHA) & Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT)

EHA will join ISHBT for a fourth time to organize the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial, this time in Chandigargh,…

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Key messages of the 22nd Congress of EHA brought to the Middle East and North Africa

The second edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) brought the key messages of the 22nd Congress of EHA to the Cairo, Egypt in September 2017.

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How to apply for TRTH

Download the letter of intent template.  Fill in the template and get it duly signed. When you are ready, access the EHA Portal at http://eha. fluxx. io. and register yourself by clicking on the ‘Create an Account’ button.

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Last chance: special EAPM2017 registration offer for EHA members

EAMP2017 will take place in Belfast, Ireland, from 27-29 November 2017.  The European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM), launched in March 2012, brings together European healthcare experts and patient advocates involved with major chronic diseases.

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EHA Research Conference 2024

Dates: March 18-21, 2024
Location: Borovets, Bulgaria
Chairs: Anna Kabanova, Martina Muckenthaler, Andreas Trumpp, Simon Haas, Jean-Emmanuel Sarry, Achille Iolascon, Britta Will and Brian Huntly

Registration is closed

EHA is proud to announce the second edition of the EHA Research Conference, titled "Molecular vulnerabilities and…

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